Stomach Exercises for Women To Lose Belly Fat

To lose fat around the stomach and get a flat tummy for women are not very difficult. Here are list of best flat stomach exercises for women. Learn more.

The belly fat is not easy to get rid once you have put on a lot of it. Women are able to perform enough of fighting everything that damage their beauty, so why not the ugly tires around the waist? Let us discovery some easy flat stomach exercises for women that are excellent – effective.

Love handles, tires, call them whatever you like, they would still remain unsightly. We all desire flat stomach, but most of us are troubled by these love handles. Belly fat is basically formed due to excess fat deposition around the ab muscles. This problem is more prominent in women, as compared to men. However, exercising on a regular basis can definitely help in losing all the unwanted fat around the belly.

Best Flat Stomach Exercises for Women

Simple yet effective. A daily brisk walk for 45 minutes will not only help you lose fat around the belly, but would also from other parts of the body. It also helps in toning the body and in increasing the stamina. Walking is very refreshing if you get out early morning.

One can only start jogging after a few days of walking. Jogging is considered to be one of the best workouts for all age groups if the routine is followed diligently. Slow jogging and then running burns a lot of calorie, gives stamina and is very refreshing. It increases metabolism and since it causes a lot of sweating, also detoxifies the body.

Nothing can defeat swimming when it comes to the effect it has on the mind and body. Swimming cannot be put in the category of exercises, as it is one of the most fun-filled activities and a great sport. It offers a total body workout, exercises every muscle of the body and refreshes the body as well as the mind.

This one is my favorite. Cycling is fun, it is eco-friendly and is a great way of losing weight. What else can one desire for? It is not even necessary to take out extra time for this exercise, as you have to just get out of home a little early and cycle to school, college or work instead of taking the train or bus. It is a great cardiovascular exercise and helps increase stamina and improve metabolism. If outdoor cycling is not feasible, you can always go for a stationary bike.

Flat Stomach Exercises for Women – Abdominal Exercises

Flat Stomach Exercises For Women - Alternate Knee-In ExerciseFlat Stomach Exercises – Alternate Knee-In
This is one of the best flat stomach exercises. First, lie down on the floor on your glutes. Keep your legs straight in front of you and support your upper body by resting forearms on the floor. Balance the weight of your upper body on the elbows. Now, squeeze your ab muscles and bring a bend in your left knee. Raise your left leg and try to bring the knee close to the shoulder. After that, straighten your left leg and simultaneously fold the right knee to touch the right shoulder. Continue doing this cyclic movement for 15 times.

Flat Stomach Exercises For Women - Cross Crunches Exercise For WomenFlat Stomach Exercises – Cross Crunches
To perform this one of best flat stomach exercises, lie down on your back on the floor or on an exercise mat. Support your head by placing your arms behind your head. Rest your right foot on your left knee and keep your left foot flat on the floor. Now, lift your upper body off the floor through your shoulders and try to touch your left elbow to your right knee. Do 10 more repetitions and repeat the same for the other side.

Flat Stomach Exercises For Women - Holding Sit-up Exercise For WomenFlat Stomach Exercises – Holding Sit-up
This one of best flat stomach exercises for women works great on muscles of the lower abdomen. Lie down on an exercise mat on the floor and place your hands behind your head. Keep your back straight, do not tuck your chin and face towards the ceiling. Now, tighten the ab muscles and raise your shoulders from the floor. Hold this position for 5 counts and perform 10 more repetitions.

Flat Stomach Exercises For Women - Swiss Ball Side Exercise For WomenFlat Stomach Exercises – Swiss Ball Side
You will require a Swiss ball of appropriate size to perform this exercise. Lie down on your back and place your forelegs on the Swiss ball, such that your knees make a right angle. Support your head by placing your hands behind your head. Now, gently lift your torso off the floor and try to reach your right knee by your left elbow. Then, slowly get back to the floor and touch the left knee with the right elbow. Alternately, do 10 repetitions for each side.

Flat Stomach Exercises For Women - Reverse Crunches ExerciseFlat Stomach Exercises – Reverse Crunches
Reverse crunches are considered as some of the most difficult flat stomach exercises which show effective results. First, lie down on your back on an exercise mat and position your hands behind your head. You may place your hands towards your sides, parallel to the torso. Stretch out your legs and keep your entire body straight. Then, join your feet and raise both the legs in the air. Try to bring a right angle bend in your knees and bring the knees closer to your chest by tightening your ab muscles and lifting the hips off the floor. Gently get back to the starting position and perform 10 more repetitions.

When performed regularly, these flat stomach exercises prove to be very effective. One also has to follow a balanced diet and drink the right quantity of water to lose weight and maintain a body which is healthy from inside and good-looking from outside.

*** P.S.! Today, to lose belly fat fast and get a flat stomach will not be difficult task and boring for you anymore. If you are looking for the best way to burn belly fat fast and get a flat stomach. CLICK HERE! The information in this website can show you “How To Lose Belly Fat Fast and Get a Flat Stomach in 2 Weeks.“, Best belly fat buring program, Delicious foods to burn stomach fat, Tips and tricks to jumpstart your Fast weight loss and much more. *** Already proven by Thousands of people all over the world. Don’t delay! Learn more at : # Top Secret To Lose Belly Fat Fast and Get A Flat Stomach in 2 Weeks.